12 Reasons 2019 was a Great 12 Months
This time of year is always a reflective period, anticipating the year ahead and looking back on the last 12 months. 2019 was an especially landmark year for us at Aqua4D. The year included moving to a new headquarters, hosting high-profile events, opening a California office, receiving key EU funding for a new innovation, and featuring several times on TV and renowned industry publications.
Here are some of our highlights:
1. The year marked a new phase in Aqua4D development, with a move to a purpose-built new building in Sierre, Switzerland. The building makes 100% in-house production possible, further increasing efficiency.
2. New solar panels on our roof meant we produced more energy than we consumed in 2019.
3. Our innovation for optimized irrigation was officially accredited as one of the Solar Impulse Foundation’s 1000 Solutions in June [Article]
4. Extensive coverage in the Swiss media, with showpiece features by both LeTemps and Channel 9 :
5. We co-hosted an event with Swiss insurance giant Helvetia, looking at how buildings can become more water-smart. [Video]
6. With Delphy and 2Grow, we co-hosted a horticultural innovation roadshow through the Netherlands, with keynote seminars at various institutes. [Article] [Video]
7. Main sponsor of Precision Farming and Ag.4.0 Summit in Barcelona [Video]
8. Climate Show Tour 2019 hosted at our new HQ in Sierre, with special topic of “Food Security & Climate-Smart Agriculture” [Article] [Video]
9. We discussed the key topic of water efficiency in Chile with industry stakeholders at the Swiss Embassy [Article]
10. Chile’s National Irrigation Commission visited a flagship Aqua4D project, to see more about how this innovation can improve Chile’s water crisis. [Article]
11. Aqua4D was given EU Horizon 2020 funding for a new high flow rate innovation for large crops, currently in the R&D stage. [Article]
12. We set up a new office in California, and unveiled our flagship FA-Skid product at the Almond Board Conference 2019 in Sacramento.