This article originally appeared in 1892: Das Magazin für Gebäudetechnik der Pärli AG
The problem was extraordinarily troublesome: Three to four times a year, a crew from Pärli AG had to go out to clean the FANUC company’s plate heat exchangers. But finally, they introduced a technology which solved the problem both efficiently and ecologically.
The groundwater heat pump from FANUC Switzerland GmbH (see infobox) worked without any problems. But every few months, insufficient flow showed up and malfunction reports were received. “We had to de-assemble the plate exchangers and clean them with high pressure,” reports Pärli team leader Pascal Schatt. “Each time, they were completely sludged by so-called iron bacteria.”
Sustainable solution sought and found
When this problem became more and more acute, a solution was sought. And since excellent results had already been achieved with the AQUA4D® system in a plant in nearby Kallnach, the installation of this technology was examined. After the consultation by Markus Schwery of AQUA4D® two 360G-B (AQUA4D F-B 20) Treatment Units were installed in the groundwater supply line and put into operation. They are optimized for a flow rate of 360 l/m per tube.
“The result was absolutely amazing,” reports Schatt. “We were simply not called upon again!” After operating for about a year and a half without any problems, the plates and filter were removed for inspection. “Our amazement grew once again: everything was cleaner than when it was installed, even shining!”
But how does it work?
With some reports about the effectiveness of AQUA4D® one inevitably thinks of hocus-pocus and esotericism. “I understand that well,” says Markus Schwery, “but it is pure physics!” The crucial point is the dipolarity of the water molecule: at the pointed end, at the oxygen atom, it is negatively charged, at the two V-arms of the hydrogen atoms, the charge is positive. “On the one hand, this causes hydrogen molecules to form so-called clusters, i.e. larger or smaller molecular assemblies that form a cohesive structure for short moments via hydrogen bridges,” Schwery explains, “and on the other hand, it is the case that water molecules can basically be influenced by resonance fields.” And that’s exactly what the AQUA4D® devices do: perfectly tuned to the vibrational structure of the water flowing through them, they ensure that it regains its natural physical properties.
Action against limescale
“This means, for example, that the natural clusters can readily trap calcium carbonate. And that means that the lime cannot be deposited on the wall of the water pipe. It’s much the same with other substances.” In this way, the system ensures that lime deposits, rust and biofilms are broken down or do not form in the first place. “The physics are very complex in detail, but the effectiveness is obvious,” Schwery says. AQUA4D® is so sure of its cause that it offers a money-back guarantee. “I myself am also convinced of the solution,” says Pascal Schatt, “the next thing we want to do is use the technology in a larger residential building.”
Find out more about Sustainable Buildings with AQUA4D®:
Interview with FANUC GmbH:
Sustainable Buildings
FANUC Switzerland GmbH
Founded in 1956, the Japanese group employs over 7000 people worldwide. It is a leader in the robotics and manufacturing automation segment. Production takes place in Japan. The Swiss subsidiary was founded in 1988, with 50 employees in sales and service.