COP26 is in full swing in Glasgow, billed as a once-in-a-lifetime chance to put humanity on a more sustainable footing. However, so far there has been little mention of one of the planet’s biggest polluters and water consumers: the agriculture industry. Farmers are on the frontline of the effects of climate change, but the industry is also responsible for intense resource use and emissions. At the same time, this is the very industry responsible for sustaining human life on this planet.
Here we outline how Precision Irrigation can hold the key to mitigating baked-in climate change, saving resources, and pursuing a more regenerative approach to agriculture.
Humans & Planet: a delicate alliance
The people who grow our food have a front-seat view of humanity’s relationship with the planet. But they’re also those most acutely feeling the stresses of this nature-human alliance, and the creaks of the food system which sustains us. Farmers are facing unpredictable rainfall and rising temperatures, while also needing to increase yields and save water over the coming years to feed a population of almost 9 billion by 2030.
Arguably, the wider issue is that humans have lost touch with nature – and nature-based solutions have a leading role to play. But to an extent, technology has got us into this mess over the past centuries, so technology and ingenuity can also show us a way forward.
Agriculture 4.0, including Precision Irrigation and other climate-smart technologies, represents a measured new way of growing with fewer resources and fewer emissions. Here’s how:
💡 Solution 1: Water conservation
Erratic rainfall and increasing temperatures are very real dual threats for growers in many regions. Precision Irrigation can get the most out of every drop while growing less-stressed plants in the process. Through the way AQUA4D® impacts water clusters, soils stay moist for longer – meaning irrigation frequency can be dramatically reduced in many cases.
With effective measurement and management, water savings through decreased irrigation are often upwards of 30%.
Find out more in this case study.
💡 Solution 2: Reducing agricultural CO2 emissions
The water saved through increased irrigation efficiency means huge decreases in baseline emissions related to pumping. Depending on the situation, the baseline energy consumption by a pump is around 900 Wh per 1 m3. With AQUA4D® we observe average 20% water savings, representing 180 Wh/m3, or an estimated 2880 kWh/ha savings – reducing water bills while conserving a precious resource.
On average, according to the different markets and their combined Emission Factor (EF), the estimate ranges from 500000 kg CO2 to 1500000kg CO2 reduction per AQUA4D® system during the estimated lifetime.
Find out more in this case study.
💡 Solution 3: Saving electricity
Irrigating with AQUA4D® drastically reduces the need for technologies like Reverse Osmosis (RO). As average RO energy consumption is at least 2000 Wh per 1 m3 and only 1 Wh with AQUA4D®, this uses 2000x less electricity. As well as reducing emissions and costs, this can give greater options for supplying agricultural land with water. Moreover, potable water can be made available for human consumption where it is most needed. Last but not least, the AQUA4D® system itself requires very little energy to operate and is often linked up to solar panels.
Find out more in this case study.
💡 Solution 4: Restoring salinized lands while saving water
AQUA4D® is the only technology on the market which solves salinity while using less water in the process. The old approach was simply to flush salts out of soils, a water-intensive process which is a no-go in increasingly water-scarce areas. Instead, AQUA4D® treats water before it is applied to crops, preventing crystallization on the surface and the root area, and leaching the salts out of harm’s way.
What’s more, AQUA4D® allows for irrigation with saline or poor-quality water. And contrary to old-style technologies like RO, there are no consumables or waste products involved.
Find out more in this case study.
Animation: How AQUA4D® treats salinity while enabling irrigation with saline water
💡 Solution 5: Reducing chemical use and fertilizers
An unsexy yet common problem in irrigated agriculture is the clogging of drippers and lines, due to the build-up of organic material. AQUA4D® prevents the adhesion of such biofilm, while flushing away existing deposits – without requiring chemicals or acids.
The same aspect of this treatment affects the minerals in water, meaning fertilizers are efficiently dissolved and can be more easily absorbed by plants. This efficiency increase means fertilizer savings of 20% on average, meaning healthier soils and water cycles in the process.
Find out more in this video.
💡 Solution 6: Producing more with less, while improving quality
With the population projected to keep growing, further strain will be placed on our food system, our lands, and our resources. AQUA4D® has been proven to increase yields (outputs) while using less water and fertilizer (inputs) in the process. Productivity is further boosted by alleviating salinity, clogging, nutrient absorption, and water quality issues.
This will not only increase food security by allowing higher yields (up to 30% in some cases), but also increase soil health and land productivity – while ensuring growers earn more in the process thanks to increased quality and decreased resource costs (reduced energy and water bills).
Find out more in this interview.
Conclusion: No time to waste
As The Guardian’s George Monbiot said last week, we have the technology and the money to affect real sustainable transition. We need urgent action to cut emissions, save resources, and save our lands. A regenerative approach to agriculture and irrigation is what we need – to change the planet from the ground up.
AQUA4D’s Dr. Eric Valette will speak at the UN Global Compact event at COP26 on Wednesday 10 November at 16:30 GMT (Business Ambition for Climate Action). Find out more and register here:
Water Efficiency
“The company’s mission from the outset has always been to sustainably improve water efficiency and have a positive impact on the health of people and planet.”
– Eric Valette, CEO, AQUA4D