Following years of R&D and global trials, the brand new AQUA4D® H-A Max system was officially unveiled last week at the yearly Husker Harvest Days event in Grand Island, Nebraska. With this game-changing water treatment, farmers in the Midwest and beyond look set to benefit from water & fertilizer efficiency, salinity management, and soil regeneration.

Saving America’s soils, one drop at a time

Farmers in the Midwest are facing major problems with water quality, penetration and salinity. As such, huge interest was generated in the new Max system which can help resolve all of these issues in a sustainable way.

Through innovative water treatment, AQUA4D® can help regenerate saline soils and improve the quality of irrigation water. The water can penetrate more deeply into soil micropores, and salts no longer crystallize on the surface. What’s more, with fertilizer prices at record highs, the AQUA4D® system’s ability to improve nutrient uptake is another huge plus. For example, a farmer in Louisiana managed to significantly reduce his fertilizer inputs thanks to this water treatment. With such potential savings, investment in a Max system is sure to bring a fast ROI to growers.

“Water quality is an often-neglected point in terms of getting the best out of their crop – a missing link connecting all a farmer’s practices,” said AQUA4D’s Yvain Mirabal at Husker Harvest Days. “AQUA4D is the only solution of its kind which can help them get the best out of their crop even with sub-optimal water and sub-optimal soil.”

Proven results in south-east Nebraska

Also present at Husker was Roric Paulman from Sutherland, Nebraska. Paulman Farms were among the first in the world to use the innovative AQUA4D® Max system. Their combination of reg ag approaches and this technology for regenerative irrigation is showing others that it’s possible to thrive even in the face of dwindling resources. “We have enough data that shows some extraordinary health benefits and yield potential, all with less water use,” says Paulman. “Achieving the same yield with less input – that’s what I call regenerative. We want to leave the ground in a better condition than we found it, and that is where AQUA4D has a place.”

A win-win for farmers and the environment

AQUA4D’s Jeff Nunes believes such water tech could be key in addressing the twin threats of water scarcity and land degradation in the Midwest.

“We have created a sustainable option to increase the lifespan of farmers’ assets and helping ensure their soils are fit for future generations,” says Nunes. “All our farms across the States have seen significant savings in input costs. We are honored to offer a solution to solve the great problems facing American farmers.”

With water availability, hikes in water prices, and toxic soil blighting growers across the region, AQUA4D has been described as breath of fresh air for farmers. With the potential water savings leaving more money in their pockets, they can maintain yields while transitioning to more efficient resource use.


  • United States

  • Pivot Irrigation

  • Water Treatment

“We have created a sustainable option to increase the lifespan of farmers’ assets and helping ensure their soils are fit for future generations. All our farms across the States have seen significant savings in input costs. We are honored to offer a solution to solve the great problems facing American farmers.” – Jeff Nunes, AQUA4D USA